12 Fascinating Facts About Axolotls

Axolotls are fascinating animals with an interesting history and special abilities. Next are the 12 most exciting axolotl facts! 1. Wild Axolotl only live in one area in the world  All axolotls originate from Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco near Mexico City. These lakes used to be larger and more extensive, but have gotten smaller…

Raising Earthworms At Home For Axolotls

Among the order of earthworms, the common earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) and the European nightcrawler (Dendrobena) are particularly good as axolotl food. The common earthworm is a little smaller than the nightcrawler, but both contain all the important nutrients that axolotls need and are easy to raise yourself at home.  What are earthworms? The Lumbricus and…

Raise Daphnia At Home For Axolotl – Step-By-Step

Daphnia, also known as water fleas, are an ideal food for newly hatched and young Axolotl, as they only eat live food. If you don’t want to buy new daphnia regularly, you can easily raise them at home.  What are water fleas? Daphnia, also called water fleas, are crustaceans that grow from 0,01 to 0,24…

Breeding Brine Shrimp At Home For Axolotl – 3 Steps

Artemia or brine shrimps belong to the crustaceans. The best known species is Artemia salina and they are ideal food for young and newly hatched Axolotl. Artemia can also be bred at home without much effort.  What are Brine Shrimp? Artemia also called brine shrimp are ideal live food for young axolotls and belong to…

How And When Do Axolotls Sleep? – 4 Signs That Your Axolotl Is Sleeping

Since axolotls have no eyelids and are nocturnal or crepuscular, it is difficult to tell when they are sleeping.  Axolotls sleep for several hours throughout the day, but are more active in the twilight hours and at night. You can recognize a sleeping axolotl by the fact that he has withdrawn and hardly moves. At the…

Are Axolotls Blind? – All About Axolotl Eyesight

If you ever saw an axolotl swimming against the aquarium glass, you will quickly ask yourself if axolotls are blind or how much they are able to see? Axolotls aren’t blind, but they don’t have good eyesight compared to humans. Axolotls are farsighted, so they can see far away things sharply, but close things only…

Do Axolotls Have Gills? – All Info And Details!

Why do axolotls have external gills on the side of their head and how does their breathing work?  The gills of an axolotl are located on both sides of the back of their head. Unlike fish, axolotls have external gills; and are not located inside their body. Axolotls have 3 gill branches on each side…

Are Axolotls Deaf? – What Can Axolotl Hear?

Are axolotls deaf or can they hear? And how can these aquatic animals perceive sounds underwater in the first place? Axolotls aren’t deaf. But not much is known about axolotls’ sense of hearing and the way they perceive sounds is quite different from humans.  The only known fact is that their sense of hearing isn’t…

Can Axolotls Make Noise? – How Loud Are They?

Some axolotl owners report that their axolotls make sounds, but why do axolotls make these sounds? And how loud are these? Axolotls don’t have vocal cords, but they can still make some sounds. These noises are usually a soft squeak or squawk that they can make when breathing with their lungs after taking in air…

How Do Axolotls Breathe? – 4 Methods

Do axolotls breathe like humans with their lungs or like fish with gills? The reality is a bit more complicated.  Axolotls have 4 different methods to breathe, with their gills, skin, lungs, and throat (Buccal pumping). Their gills are the most noticeable of these due to the fact that they are not internal in the…